Niketa's Job Search

Niketa was looking to make a change when she left the Army. Unaware or her market value or what opportunities were available, she turned dot the professionals at David Griswold & Associates.

In discussions with her consultant, it was apparent the Niketa had many options and liked variety in the work place. She was not suited to a role that would require routine.

Once this was established and confirmed with her consultant, Niketa was targeted to the consulting industry. She liked the concepts, and felt it was a good choice.

Next materials were developed that would support her choice. This was a challenge as her military career had limited exposure to the kinds of workplace challenges she was seeking. Yet with help from her consultant, Niketa was able to create materials that sold her abilities to formulate concepts, ideas, and resolve issues. It worked!

Armed with research, Niketa began to interview with consulting firms in the location of her choice. They were immediately impressed with her skill in interviewing and within 2 weeks Niketa had three offers.

Niketa negotiated a bonus that would increase her pay package and she accepted the job.
“I am in a new job with an excellent consulting firm that offers excellent growth opportunities. In addition I am making more money and have even greater financial opportunities. This is perfect and it only took three weeks.”